Ahead of the upcoming marriage ceremony of the two most popular Bollywood stars of present time, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, many speculations are roaming around. Even the date of their marriage had also created a lot of uncertainties. Now, at this moment the most expected date is 20th April. However, this can be changed later.
Regarding the marriage many people are thinking if the marriage would be successful or not. Shaira Banu, the wife of legendary Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar, has said that some sacrifices can make a marriage successful. She has also taken some example from her own married life. She quit big screen in order to give more time to her husband while she was the leading actress in the industry. Even though her husband does not want her to quit acting, she did it in order to be a complete housewife. Times of India reported:
Saira, who was at the peak of her career when she married thespian Dilip and quit movies, says she had a very rosy notion of marriage till she tied the knot. "Marriage is certainly an eye-opener and I slowly had to deal with things which were a revelation to my young mind," she recalls. "If you want your marriage to work, one of the two has to take a back seat in the career. There's no two ways about it. You have to choose to be under the other's shadow. And this is something you have to do for love. I believe sacrifice makes a successful marriage."
The gorgeous actress who stole hearts with her roles in Padosan and Shaagird, adds, "Yusuf saab saw my films and said that it would be criminal for him to stop me from working. However, even though I was gaining name and fame, I realised that my husband and I were not spending time together. We would cross each other at airports sometimes and briefly catch up before going our own ways."
That's when it hit her that she had to step back and make a home. "I am not just a wife, but a mother, a lover, a sister and everything to Yusuf saab. Make yourself indispensable to your husband," is Saira's advice to Ash. Adds thespian Dilip Kumar, "Abhishek is a cultured and well-brought up boy and Aishwarya is a beautiful and a sweet girl. We genuinely wish them all the happiness of the world and a great married life."
Well, I do not know whether Aishwarya Rai will also follow the same way leaving acting and becoming a complete housewife. However, I think Bachchan family would be happy with that as Jaya Bachchan became irregular in the big screen after her marriage to Amitabh Bachchan.
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