Uday Chopra is seen playing a hilarious role in the movie Dhoom 2. Though the movie is totally based on an action-aided thrilling story, he makes some tongue in cheek humors which charms the spectators. He plays the role of a police sub-inspector, Ali, an inferior officer to ACP Jai Dixit (played by Abhishek Bachchan). He along with Jai and ACP Shonali Bose (played by Bipasha Basu) chases a master thief Aryan (played by Hrithik Roshan). The character Ali not only is seen in humorous scenes rather he also appears in action scenes. Though the character Ali is not given so much importance in the movie, he gives some different taste to the audience at regular interval.
In the first part of the movie, Ali falls in love with ACP Shonali Bose and acts with her in such a way which produces some amusement for the viewers. In the song titled “Touch me”, he is seen dancing with Bopasha and Abhishek which is nothing but complete fun. However, this song can not stand with the song named “My name is Ali” where he dances with Monali Bose (the second role played by Bipasha Basu). This song was shot in a
His action scenes are also very interesting. Though he is in a mission of catching a thief, he always thinks about Shonali/ Monali, his lover. Uday Chopra, the only humorous role found in the movie, really gives a break to the audience to laugh apart from thrill.
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