Shilpa Shetty also involved in PETA- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an International institution that works for keeping the animal rights world wide. For this organization, she also took part in a promotional advertisement where she is seen to be kept in a case wearing the costume of a tiger. She wants to stop circus activities as she thinks it illogical. She said (from Wikipedia):
"These once dignified animals only leave their cages, which are barely larger than the size of their bodies, for a few minutes each day to be forced into the ring to perform tricks which make no sense and are upsetting to them. The best way to help animals suffering in circuses is to boycott the circus”.
"I thought I should stop that. If I can make a little difference to their lives, why not go for it?”
Shipa has made an example for the people that besides one’s occupation, one can do something for this beautiful world.
Tag: Bollywood Shilpa Shetty
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