The recent Blockbuster of Bollywood, Dhoom 2 tells the story of a master thief and some of his pulling of heist. In the first look, anybody will say that it is based on an action thriller story where a group of police officer chases the thief Mr. A (played by Hrithik Roshan). After watching the movie, if you are asked that who at last wins in the race, your answer might be the thief, Mr. A or you can also think that it is Police officer Jay (played by Abhishek Bachchan) and his partner Ali (played by Uday Chopra) who win the chase. Well, I know that you have your logic but, I think, it is “Love” which is the winner in the end of the movie Dhoom 2.
Sunheri (played by Aishwarya Rai) first introduced with the master thief Aryan, known as Mr. A, in a place where both of them has come to burglarize a valuable sword. Then, with the time passes, they come to know each other and get into a closer relation. At last, they became partner for their following operations. However, it was unknown to Mr. A that she is involved with police and trying collect information from him. At last, he understood it and becomes angry with Sunheri. On the other hand, though she is involved with police, she gradually falls in love with him and she decides to be his partner truly. So, at last they become the true partner and start work for their new operation in
Suddenly ACP Jai Dixit appears in their restaurant but this time he does not chase them rather, he tells about his being astonished to see their love and he lets them go. On the other hand, surprisingly Mr. A gives all of the treasures he got in different thieves and expressed his desire to lead a simple life with his loving person without involving any other burglaries.
Now tell me, is not it “Love”, the ultimate winner in the movie Dhoom 2.
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