Abhishek Bachchan, the star actor of Bollywood, played an integral part of the movie Dhoom 2, ACP Jai Dixit who along with ACP Shonali Bose (played by Bipasha Basu) and his fellow sub-inspector Ali (played by Uday Chopra) aims at catching the talented thief Aryan, known as Mr. A (played by Hrithik Roshan). At first his mission is to Mumbai where the thief set his next operation. However, he can not be successful in his first attempt as the thief can be able to flee from his team after pulling the heist off in a Mumbai museum. Then Jai follows the thief to
The character Jay takes part in some of the most talked action scenes in the movie. He is seen in a helicopter chasing the thief where he looks as a responsible police officer. In another scene he drives a motor bike along with Ali chasing the thief which is also a praiseworthy work by Abhishek Bachchan. However, I think he needs to develop his dancing skill if he wishes to become a great actor in Bollywood as his dance in Dhoom 2 can not go with Aishwarya and Hrithik.
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